COVID-19 and your pets

The world is facing a new challenge with the outbreak of COVID 19. As pet lovers one of our main concerns will be the health of our pets. We want to stay updated on the latest COVID-19 information and have answered some of the most pertinent questions. Is my pet at risk to get infected … Read more

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Chocolate toxicity in cats and dogs

  Chocolate is well loved by humans everywhere. The only real dangers of chocolate for humans are gaining weight or having dental disease. Dogs find chocolate equally delicious, and even though cats are pickier eaters, the effect of chocolate on them stays the same What causes chocolate toxicity? Chocolate contains a chemical called theobromine, which … Read more

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Introducing two cats to each other

  Cats have always been solitary animals. We force them to interact with each other Cats do not like to share, and will therefore protect their territory. Change is disliked by cats.  The aforementioned character traits make it very difficult to introduce 2 cats, but not impossible. Remember that scents are an extremely important tool … Read more

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Feline Snuffels

Feline respiratory disease complex, also known as Feline Snuffels, includes those illnesses typified by runny noses, teary eyes, inflamed eyes, salivation, and oral ulcerations. It will look like your cat suffers from a cold. This may be caused by various viruses and sometimes even bacteria. The most common culprits are Feline Herpes virus and Feline … Read more

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Feline Hyperthyroidism

What is Feline Hyperthyroidism? Cats have two thyroid glands situated in their neck. When the glands produce too much thyroid hormone, cats develop a condition called Hyperthryroidism. Thyroid hormones are responsible to regulate several of the body processes. When too much hormone is produced the clinical signs can be quite dramatic, and cats can become … Read more

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Feline Leukemia Virus

Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is one of the most important infectious diseases of cats worldwide. According to Webmd FeLV is second, only to trauma as the leading cause of death in cats. How did my cat get infected? Cat leukemia is usually contracted from cat-to-cat transmission. This will include close contact, grooming, bites, sharing litter … Read more

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Feline Immunodeficiency Virus

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) ,also known as Feline aids, has risen in numbers in recent years.  FIV has a lot of similarities compared to HIV in humans. However the disease is species specific and can not be transmitted to other species. HIV is a lentevirus. A lentevirus is a type of retrovirus, with a long … Read more

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Cat obesity and weight loss

Cat obesity is on the rise due to a variety of reasons. Here at Ultracat we introduced our Metabolic range to aid your cat in losing weight.   Obesity increases the risk for : Diabetes Mellitus Osteoarthritis Heart disease Certain types of cancer FLUTDS ( Feline lower urinary tract disease) Your road to a healthy … Read more

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Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease

Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) describes a variety of conditions that affect the bladder and urethra of cats. Clinical signs of FLUTD: Straining to urinate Urinating small amounts Frequent and/or prolonged attempts to urinate Crying out while urinating Excessive licking of the genital area Urinating outside the litter box, or other inappropriate places Blood … Read more

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