Importance of socializing your pet
Socialization means learning to be part of society. When we talk about socializing pets , it means helping them learn to be comfortable as a pet within human society – a society that includes many different types of people, environments, buildings, sights, noises, smells, animals and other pets. The critical period for socialisation for a … Read more
Introducing two cats to each other
Cats have always been solitary animals. We force them to interact with each other Cats do not like to share, and will therefore protect their territory. Change is disliked by cats. The aforementioned character traits make it very difficult to introduce 2 cats, but not impossible. Remember that scents are an extremely important tool … Read more
Feline Snuffels
Feline respiratory disease complex, also known as Feline Snuffels, includes those illnesses typified by runny noses, teary eyes, inflamed eyes, salivation, and oral ulcerations. It will look like your cat suffers from a cold. This may be caused by various viruses and sometimes even bacteria. The most common culprits are Feline Herpes virus and Feline … Read more
Teaching your kitten to use a litterbox
Kittens are naturally inclined to eliminate on soil and dirt. They usually mimic this behavior by watching their mom. Rescue or adopted kittens will require patience to train them. Setting the scene: Always have one more litterbox than the number of cats in household. Place the litter box in a quiet area of the house. … Read more
Kitten proofing your home
Congratulations on your kitten!! This is an exciting time. Kittens are curious and mischievous creatures. They will discover everything, therefore it is very important that you have an environment where your kitten can explore, while they are still safe. Find below a guide on how to kitten proof your home: Look around your house. Do … Read more
Introducing a kitten to a dog
Getting a kitten can be an exciting time for the whole family. It can also be quite a stressful time introducing the kitten to the other members of the household. . For some dogs, the new family member will be an annoyance, while others may be excited for a kitten playmate. You can never predict … Read more