Routine Care for Senior Dogs

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As your dog gets on in years, it’s time to make some changes in how you care for your best friend.

How old is old in dog years?

Most breeds are considered seniors at about 8 years of age. Larger dogs tend to reach this milestone a little sooner, and small dogs a little later.

How should I care for my older dog?


1. Watch your dog’s weight

Just like people, your dog may tend to put on a little weight with age. You may want to change him or her to a scientifically-formulated food for senior dogs, like Ultra Dog Premium Senior or Ultra Dog Superwoof Senior. Keeping your dog at a healthy weight helps to lessen the risk of heart disease, diabetes, joint pain and arthritis.

2. Keep your dog smiling

As your dog ages, his or her teeth may need a little more care, especially in smaller dogs. Make sure you take him or her to the vet for teeth cleaning at least once a year.

3. Visit the vet more often

Your older dog should ideally have a wellness exam with your vet every six months. You could also consider having a full blood test run each year to pick up any problems.

4. Changes in behaviour

Keep an eye on your dog’s behaviour, and consult your vet if there are any significant changes. Look out for:

  • Trouble getting up or down stairs, in or out of the car, or standing up after lying down.
  • Sudden lethargy.
  • Appetite changes.
  • Changes in bowel movements.


5. Senior-proof your home

With age, your dog may not be able to do all the things he or she used to do before. You may have to shorten your walks or, if you live in a home with two floors, move the food and bed downstairs for your pet. If your dog is losing its sight, lay scent trails using lavender oil, and pad the sharp edges of furniture so that he/she doesn’t get hurt.