Dog Food Nutrients

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All dogs need a wide range of nutrients to live a healthy life. These range from the macro-nutrients like protein and fat, which dogs need in large quantities, to micro-nutrients like vitamins and minerals, which are needed in much
smaller amounts but are just as crucial to a dog’s health.


ImportanceProtein is needed for healthy growth and maintenance of muscle, and it is also an important
source of energy.
SourceThe best protein for dogs comes from meat and fish.


ImportanceFats and oils are needed for energy as well as healthy skin and coats. Dogs cannot make
essential fatty acids (omega 3 and 6) and must get these through their diet. These are needed for
controlling inflammation, blood clotting, and brain development.
SourceFish oils, evening primrose oil, borage oil, animal
fats, linseed oil and rosemary oil.


ImportanceFibre is important for maintaining intestinal health and can assist in treating both
constipation and diarrhoea.
SourceGrains, fruits and vegetables.

Ash and minerals

ImportanceAsh is the measure of the mineral content of food. When the food is incinerated, all the
carbohydrate, fat and protein burn off, leaving only the minerals – the ash.
SourceMeats, grains, vegetables and fruit.
CalciumNeeded for bone and teeth formation, nerve transmission and muscle contractions.
PhosphorusRequired for skeletal structure, DNA, RNA structure and energy metabolism.
MagnesiumNeeded to allow enzymes to function, hormone secretions and nerve cell membrane interface.
PotassiumRequired for healthy nerve function, enzyme reactions and energy metabolism.
IronIntegral part of haemoglobin and myoglobin, energy metabolism and enzymes in respiration.
CopperConnective tissue, iron metabolism, blood cell formation and to combat oxidation.
ZincEnzyme function, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, skin function and wound healing.
ManganeseEnzyme reactions, bone development, cartilage formation, neurological function and
SeleniumImportant in the immune system and protection against oxidisation.


ImportanceVitamins are essential to keep your dog healthy. They’re not stored very effectively, so your dog needs
a good daily intake.
Vitamin ANeeded for vision, growth, immune function, foetal development, healthy skin and coat.
B VitaminsInvolved in metabolising, or deriving energy.
Vitamin CVital for a robust immune system.
Vitamin DImportant during skeletal development, phosphorus balance, necessary to absorb calcium in the intestine.
Vitamin EProtection against oxidative damage.
Vitamin KInvolved in bone development and blood clotting.