help your cat be at their best with ultra pet!

Cats are incredible creatures, with a wide range of special abilities unique to them. Ultra cat has been specifically formulated by our in-house vet and animal nutritionist to help support your furry friend’s ultra-abilities and to help them live their best life.

Cat food, white cat with pink background, RCL - Ultra Pet

some ultra-abilities your cat has:

super speed:

You’ve probably realised how fast your cat can be when they get the ‘zoomies’ and sprint down the hall at lightning speed. But did you know some cats have reached 48km per hour? They won’t win any long-distance marathons, since this speed is only maintained for around 50-100 metres, but they can easily outpace the fastest sprinters on earth. Their speed shouldn’t be surprising given cheetahs, lions, and tigers are their genetic relatives.

Ultra-Powers: Cats can outrun Usain Bolt and Noah Lyles! Bengals, Abyssinians, and Egyptian Maus are among the fastest cat breeds.

How Ultra Pet Helps:

Their hind legs are incredibly powerful and muscular, helping them run fast and also jump as high as 5 times their own height. The quality protein sources that are used in Ultra Cat promote muscle maintenance, ensuring your cat stays speedy.

Elastic Agility

Have you noticed how cats seem to have a liquid spine and fit into spots you’d think impossible? It’s because of the 30 vertebrae in their spine, along with free-floating clavicle bones, that they have this phenomenal flexibility and agility.

Ultra-Powers: Cats have a righting reflex which means they can almost always land on their feet when falling from great heights. Their flexibility allows them to do this.

How Ultra Pet Helps:

Ultra Pet supports the maintenance of your cat’s fast-twitch muscle fibres – muscles which keep them agile. Quality protein sources like chicken, found in Ultra Cat, provide everything needed for these muscles to stay healthy.

Cats have extra cushioning between vertebrae. This cushioning helps with rotation and flexibility. Also known as spinal disks, this cushioning consists of collagen. Ingredients such as Omega-3s, found in our cat food, builds up and supports collagen production.

Ultrasonic Hearing:

Cats can hear higher frequencies than humans. Their hearing range is 20 Hz to 64 000 Hz (this is 3 times higher than us and 1 octave higher than dogs!). Their ultrasonic hearing helps them hunt rodents who communicate within the ultrasonic range.

The 32 muscles, in their outer ears, enable them excellent flexibility in rotating their ears backwards and sideways to pinpoint sounds. They have a 180-degree range of motion and can move their ears independently like dogs.

Ultra-Powers: Their sound-locating abilities are so good that they can pick up where a sound is coming from – up to 8cm from the exact location.

How Ultra Pet Helps:

Ear infections can hinder your cat’s super
hearing. Ultra Pet contains Vita-Cat®, a special formula consisting of vitamins
and minerals to support and protect the immune system. A healthy immune system
can help ward off ear infections and actively fight them if they do occur.


Super Smell:

Cats can smell 9-16 times better than humans. They have around 200 million odour receptor cells. This makes them able to smell better than dogs who only have around 150 million scent receptors.

Ultra-Powers: They can smell items around 6km away. They can also smell chemical differences in humans, much like dogs, and can use this ability to detect diseases.

How Ultra Pet Helps:

Cat flu (or rhinitis) can affect the nasal system, compromising the ability to smell. Ultra Cat food can help stave off or shorten the duration of illness thanks to its unique Vit-Cat® immune-supporting formula.

Excellent reaction times

Compared to most animals, cats are winners when it comes to fast reaction times. Compared to a human blinking at 0.1 seconds, a cat’s reaction time far surpasses this.

Ultra-Powers: Cats have no problem striking down a snake due to their incredibly fast reaction time which is 20-70 milliseconds; whereas a snake’s is 44-70 milliseconds.

how ultra pet helps:

In order to have a fast reaction time, a cat needs to have a well-functioning brain. Ultra Cat is full of brain-supporting nutrients such as Omega-3s and antioxidant vitamins like Vitamin E. In addition to this, it contains Taurine – and while this nutrient may not directly support brain health, it is vital to cardiac function. Healthy cardiac function is needed to supply the brain with oxygen-rich blood. The brain is not able to operate effectively with any threats to this supply.


Your cat’s jellybean paws aren’t just cute – they’re functional. The soft cushioning helps to dampen sound, allowing them to stealthily stalk their prey. They can also walk on their toes, making tip-toeing no effort at all for them. Another ultra-ability that allows cats to be such great hunters is their excellent night vision. There is a layer of tissue in their eyes (the tapetum lucidum) that helps them see well when there is little light.

Ultra-Powers: A 200-degree field of view. Most predators don’t have great peripheral vision, but this is not so for cats. They have the benefits of depth-of-vision and a wide range of sight, which helps them better detect their prey.

How Ultra Pet Helps:

A cat’s paw pads are composed of pigmented skin, blood vessels, nerve endings, fatty tissue, and connective tissue. The B vitamins found in our cat food (B6, B1, B2, and B12) work to maintain healthy nerve function – feedback necessary for efficient movement like stalking. And the Omega 3s, added to each product, maintain the fatty and connective tissues in the paw pads.

When it comes to healthy vision, the Taurine in Ultra Cat promotes healthy eyesight. Without sufficient Taurine, your cat will suffer from feline retinal degeneration, which impairs vision.

Don’t let anything dampen your furball’s ultra-abilities! View all our cat food products to ensure your cat stays healthy and strong.

our cat food ranges