Dogs have some impressive superpowers or super senses that need to be maintained with a balanced, nutritious diet. Our dog food has been developed by animal nutritionists who understand this!

Why Ultra Sure?

some ultra-abilities your dog has:


Everyone knows that dogs have a keen sense of smell, but did you know that they can smell 10 000 times better than humans? Their noses are key to their survival and are what they primarily use to navigate their way around the world. In fact, dogs devote more brain power towards interpreting olfactory information than they do for visual information. When they smell you or another dog, they can tell where you’ve been and what other animals you’ve been around.

And did you know that they can move their nostrils independently? This helps them pick up the direction that a scent is coming from. Dogs also have what is called a scent memory. This helps them remember individuals they haven’t seen in years. In the short term they can get an idea of how much time has passed by how strong or faded a scent is!

Ultra-Powers: Dogs can be trained to detect cancer through smell. They can also smell hormonal changes – for example, they can detect if a woman is pregnant (even before she can!).

How Ultra Pet Helps:

Our dog food contains Omega-3 and Omega-6. These fatty acids appear to help keep your dog’s sense of smell functioning at optimal levels.


Did you know dogs can hear a wider range of frequencies than us (at both the lower and higher end of the frequency spectrum)? As an example, humans can hear within the range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz, while dogs hear within the range of 45 Hz – 60 kHz. They also process sounds much faster than us and are better at pinpointing where a sound is coming from – the latter ability is largely helped by the fact that dogs have muscles that allow them to rotate, raise, tilt, and lower their ears to easily locate a sound’s direction. Like their nostrils, they can also move their ears independently. In addition to this, they have larger ear canals that amplify each sound, allowing them to hear sounds as far as one kilometer away!

Ultra-Powers: Their sense of hearing truly is incredible and it gives them the ability to predict earthquakes with ears tuned to detect the smallest vibrations.

How Ultra Pet Helps:

Recurring ear infections can be the kryptonite to your dog’s super hearing. You can combat this by feeding them a hypoallergenic diet, as well as a diet that contains vitamins A and E to support the immune system. All our dog food products contain these vitamins, and we also have a maize-free option your furry friend will love.


While dogs may not be able to see as many colours as us (due to less retinal cones), they have other ocular abilities that set them apart. Dogs have excellent night vision, a heightened sense of motion, as well as superior peripheral vision. This is thanks to their large pupils, a light-reflecting structure within their eyes (called the tepetum lucidum), and a high number of rods in their retinas. Their peripheral vision is a result of having eyes spaced further apart than humans, increasing their feild of sight.

Ultra-Powers: Night vision.

How Ultra Pet Helps:

Vitamins A, E, Omega-3 and Zinc, can be found within our products – and these are essential for maintaining healthy eyes.

In-built infrared sensor:

Dogs can pick up on organisms that emit heat. This thermal detection can help them hunt at night. The tip of their nose has a kind of infrared sensor that allows them to notice small fluctuations in temperature. Scientists have confirmed this special ability with brain scans, showing increased activity when dogs are presented with warm objects versus cold objects.

Ultra-Powers: Thermal radiation detection.

How Ultra Pet Helps:

Since the heat sensor is located at the tip of a dog’s wet nose, where you’ll find plenty of nerve endings, it’s important to keep this nasal system in good shape. You can do this by keeping your canine companion hydrated. By consuming Ultra Pet dog food that has pellets designed to lock in the moisture provided by the water-rich vegetables, and by keeping your dog’s water bowl full at all times, you can keep them well hydrated.

From maintaining your precious pet’s ultra-powers to combating health issues related to joint health, weight management, or stomach sensitivities, we have a product for every paw-some pup out there.

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